How to Increase Your Speed in Field Hockey

People often wonder how they can improve their speed. The answer is by proper form and practice. By understanding how to run, you will be able to work your muscles properly and develop the ability for fast acceleration.

In a game based on quick reflexes and direction changes, sprints are the key in developing your ability of explosive acceleration. Sprints are considered anaerobic exercises — exercises that develop your agility and strength, as well as your cardio fitness. By practicing sprints, you will strengthen your core muscle groups and be able to make quick cuts and transitions on the field. This guide will give an overview of the basic fundamentals of sprints, as well as specific workouts to target the muscles specific to field hockey.

Straight Sprint

A key thing to remember in sprints is to exert the maximum amount effort for the entire duration of the exercise. The more effort you put into the sprint, the faster you will build muscle. Also, make sure to get a good rest in between sprints, about 90 to 120 seconds, but it should not exceed three minutes. Resting will help you exert maximum power on the next sprint. To complete an acceleration sprint:

  1. Start in the squat stance. Spread your feet at least shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees so both legs form a 90-degree angle to the ground (do not let your knees go forward of your feet). Keep your back straight.
  2. Turn your feet 90 degrees to the left or right, depending on which foot you want to push off from.
  3. Coil down in a sprint position: One hand on the ground perfectly aligned with the toe of your front foot. (This hand will be of the arm opposite of your lead leg.)
  4. Place your other hand at the “gun holster” — arm back, elbow bent, and hand by your hip.
  5. Lean forward — this is very important for accelerating.
  6. Explode into a sprint by throwing your back leg and your arm (that’s by your hip) forward.
  7. Keep your upper body low and your head down until you are about halfway through your sprint.
  8. Midway into the sprint, you should be in full-sprint mode. Run upright and make sure to pump your arms to gain momentum.
  9. Sprint for various short distances (your choice).

Hot Tip: Sprints Burn Fat

If you want to burn calories fast, sprints are for you. They are a form of anaerobic exercise, or exercise without oxygen. Because these exercises are completed at high intensity, the muscles can’t get enough oxygen to sustain the energy-intensive workout. So, your body takes energy and oxygen from elsewhere — it converts the available carbohydrates in your body into oxygen and burns any extra calories.

Aerobic exercises, on the other hand, such as jogging and swimming, are generally longer and less strenuous. This allows your body to continuously replenish the oxygen lost by breathing in air. But, not to be overlooked are the increased metabolism and endurance gained from aerobic exercises.

Lastly, if you train through anaerobic exercises you will also train your body aerobically. You will build strength, muscle, and endurance. With aerobic exercises, you will build your endurance, but not strength or muscle. So if you are looking to get in shape quickly, and lose weight along the way, sprints are the answer for you!

Push-up Sprint

Push-up sprints help to develop your explosive first step. Complete this exercise with a partner to start the sprint. Have your partner blow a whistle or clap her hands to signal the start. By reacting quickly to this catalyst, you will also develop your reflexes. In field hockey, this will help you react to the ball’s unpredictable movement on the field. To complete a push-up sprint:

  1. Start in the push-up position. Lay face-down on the floor. Place the palms of your hands against the ground, under each shoulder. Curl your toes against the floor to support yourself.
  2. On a whistle or clap signal from your partner, push off the ground to lift your body. Make sure to keep your body and back straight.
  3. Bring your right or left foot forward, under your body (depending on preference, use whichever is your “lead leg”).
  4. Explode into a sprint by throwing your back leg and arm forward. Complete this in one fluid motion.
  5. Keep your upper body low and your head down until you are about halfway through your sprint.
  6. Midway through the sprint, you should be in full-sprint mode. As you run upright, make sure to pump your arms to gain momentum.
  7. Sprint for ten yards; this is one repetition. Repeat five times.

Direction-change Sprint

Quick changes in direction, followed by rapid acceleration are very important to the game. Field hockey is filled with quick turns, pivots, and dodges — and all require quick changes in direction coupled with speed. Being able to turn and regain your momentum will give you an advantage in the game: You can be first to any ball.

The key to this sprint is the re-positioning of your body to face your target, followed by an immediate increase in speed. To complete a direction-change sprint:

  1. Start in the push-up position, perpendicular (sideways) to your destination.
  2. On a whistle or clap from your partner, push off the ground to lift your body while keeping your body and back straight.
  3. Position yourself in the sprint position: One hand on the ground perfectly aligned with the toes of your lead foot, and other hand in the “gun holster” position.
  4. In the sprint position, turn your body 90 degrees to face your marker (sprint destination).
  5. Throw your back leg and gun holster hand forward to accelerate rapidly towards your target. Complete this in one fluid motion.
  6. Sprint for ten yards; this is one repetition. Repeat five times.

Ready, Set, Go!

Now that you understand the proper techniques for sprinting, you will be able to build your accelerate muscles. Each sprint benefits you by targeting your speed muscles. By having an explosive first step, this agility and quickness will give you the advantage in winning every 50-50 ball and accelerating after a pull or dodge. This will improve your game tremendously. The secret to success is expecting the best out of yourself — so push yourself through each and every hard sprint. Soon enough, you will reach your goal of improving your speed and your game.

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