How to Improve The Height of Your Jumps

When it comes to scoring jumps (aside from pointed toes, of course), judges pay close attention to one key factor: height. Surprisingly, you can enhance the height of your jumps by making a few adjustments to your technique and incorporating specific exercises into your at-home conditioning routine.

1. Prep

The way you initiate a jump is just as crucial as the jump itself. While it’s possible to jump from a standstill, using a solid jump prep instantly adds inches to your jump height.

Consider the High V prep for this example. Regardless of the prep you choose, remember to keep your arms tight throughout the entire motion—both during the prep and the jump. Avoid extending your arms higher than the T position.

When bending your knees and rising onto your toes, focus on rolling through your entire foot. For instance, land first on the balls of your feet and gently lower your foot. This technique preserves energy; landing flat-footed wastes that energy.

Here’s how to execute the High V prep:

  1. Stand with your feet together and your hands by your sides.
  2. On count 1, clasp your hands tightly and bend your knees.
  3. On count 2, extend your knees to rise up onto your tiptoes while bringing your arms into the High V position.
  4. For counts 3 and 4, keep your arms tight, whip them down in front of your body so that they cross, and end in the T position.
  5. Simultaneously, bend your knees again and prepare to explode from your thighs off the floor.
  6. Execute the jump between counts 5 and 6.
  7. Land on count 7 with your feet together and knees slightly bent to absorb the impact.
  8. Keep your arms tight to your sides, and look down. Hold this position for count 8.

2. Position

Maintain proper form during your jump to maximize height. Keep your head and chest up at all times. Not only does this elevate your jump, but it also creates the illusion of greater height.

Avoid the common mistake of throwing your arms down between your legs, especially during toe touch jumps. This action lowers the jump and can lead to dangerous forward rotation.

Pay attention to the placement of your arms, legs, and shoulders:

  • Arms should extend out from your shoulders, remaining level from shoulder to fingertips.
  • Legs should extend from your hips, maintaining a level position as if you were sitting on the ground.
  • Lift your shoulders and pinch your shoulder blades together to elevate your chest.

3. Power

While tight arms ending in a T position contribute to higher jumps, the primary power should come from your thighs. Strengthen your thighs through lower body exercises such as squat jumps, burpees, and mountain climbers.

Remember: a good prep, proper positioning, and strong thighs are key to improving jump height.

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