Start off by stretching out. Make sure you are warmed up before you actually throw any jumps to avoid pulling or straining muscles.
Leg Lifts
Next, do 3 sets of leg lifts:
- Sit in a straddle on the floor, with hands behind you for support (hands should be on the floor, under or near your tail).
- Slightly lean back and lift both legs about a foot off the floor.
- Keep your legs straight. Without letting your legs touch the floor, lift them, count to 10, then release them for a breather and repeat.
Do a total of 3 sets. Leg lifts are hard but they will strengthen your legs and improve the height of your jumps!
Side High Kicks
After leg lifts, we do side high kicks:
- Arms in a T motion.
- With your right leg, kick 5 times.
- Take a 5-second breather.
- Switch to your left leg and kick 5 times.
Throwing Your Toe Touch
Ready to begin: Throw your toe touch, count 5-6-7-8, throw another, then repeat. (I make my squad do 10)
Tips for Toe Touch Position
- Prep: Make sure you have a good prep (feet and legs together, bending knees, keeping your back straight). Really concentrate on using the muscles in your legs when prepping; after all, that is how you get off the ground in the first place.
- In the Air: When you are in your toe touch position (in the air), DON’T reach for your legs. Arms should be in a ‘T’. Bring your legs to your arms, not arms to your legs!
- Legs and Toes: Keep your legs straight. Bent knees make a toe touch look sloppy. Point your toes, and when landing, make sure your feet are together.