How to Choose a Golf Glove

Golf accessories line the shelves of every pro shop in the world. Although some are more vital than others, one of the most important accessories golfers should use is a glove. Most golfers wear one, but too few ever bother to ask, “Which glove is right for me?” or “Why do I need a glove in the first place?” This guide aims to answer both of those important questions.

What’s Glove Got to Do with It?

Golf equipment and accessories are purchased because they’re supposed to help golfers lower their scores. But, too many products targeted towards golfers looking for quick fixes aren’t anything more than gimmicks.

A glove is not one of these gimmicks. In fact, gloves are one of the rare accessories in golf that will actually prove valuable. Golf gloves are designed to give golfers better control of their clubs without having to choke the grip to death. They also provide a level of comfort and protection for your hands by reducing the friction that occurs between hands or between the rubber grip and your skin.

It’s not a brilliant marketing conspiracy that every professional golfer on TV wears a glove. If you find the right one for you, you too will be able to see the difference in your feel, your confidence, and, ultimately, your scores on the golf course.

Finding the Perfect Glove

Your perfect golf glove is out there. Although the glove you choose will ultimately be based on personal preference, there are certain aspects of a glove you should look out for.

Shop in Person

In order to make sure your glove is perfect for you, you need to try it on before buying it. Going shopping in person is the best way to ensure that you get a chance to try on different styles and sizes before you make your selection.

Correct Hand

The first thing to make certain when buying a golf glove is that you’re getting a glove for the correct hand. You want your gloved hand to be the one at the top of the club, which will always be your weak hand. So, right handed golfers should buy a glove for their left hand, and lefties should buy a glove for their right hand.

Good Fit

It’s not a coincidence that the saying “fits like a glove” is so popular. Gloves should fit perfectly, and golf gloves are no exception to that rule.

There are gloves made for men, women, and junior golfers, and within those categories are a handful of varied sizes. No matter how large or small your hands are, you’ll find a glove that fits you correctly—not too tight and not too baggy. Try on every size you can to see which one is right for you.

Hot Tip: Checking the Fit

Finding a glove that fits you correctly is one of the most important tasks you have when purchasing a golf glove. Many gloves have a Velcro strap that closes over the back of your hand. What you’re checking for here is that the Velcro flap fits squarely on its intended target without needing to be stretched too far or overlapped too much. Also, make sure that the glove’s fingers aren’t too baggy or loose. Once you find a glove that feels comfortable across your hand and around your fingers, you’ve found the right fit.


Golf gloves are made by every brand in the market. Just like cars, there are high-end models and basic models within each brand. Here are some of the features that you’ll have to consider:

  • Comfort: This is the most important feature. If a glove isn’t comfortable on your hand, ditch it.
  • Material: Some gloves are made of leather, some gloves are made of synthetic materials, and some gloves are knitted. Depending on your tastes, preferences, and your town’s weather conditions, choose a material that works best for you.
  • Ventilation: Your gloved hand will sweat a lot. Avoid buying a glove with little or no aeration designed into it.
  • Style: Although style doesn’t have a direct influence on your performance on the course, looking good will definitely boost your confidence even if you’re not playing particularly well. This may be a no-brainer, but don’t buy a glove you don’t think suits your style.
  • Price: Although golf gloves are relatively inexpensive in the world of golf equipment, there is a large range when it comes to pricing. Stay within your budget.

Invest on a Regular Basis

Depending on how often you play or practice, golf gloves will deteriorate with time. Sweat, friction and storage are all contributing factors to a glove’s lifespan. As soon as your glove starts showing some serious wear and tear, it’s time for a new glove. The good news? If you liked your glove so much that you wore it to the bone, you probably won’t have to go through the entire selection process again at the shop.

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