How to Stay Involved With Volleyball

Far too many players hang up the sneakers once their high school or college days are done. However, the end of your academic career doesn’t have to coincide with the end of your volleyball career. You may not be suiting up for the alma mater anymore, but you can still be involved in the sport you love. From coaching to refereeing, this guide will touch on a few ways to keep volleyball in your life long after your school days are nothing but a distant memory.

Join a Local Recreational Team

If you can’t shake that nagging itch to get back out there on the court, there is a pretty simple solution: Get grab your kneepads and do it! There are countless recreational volleyball leagues, and with so many options you’re bound to find one that meets your schedule.

Find Pick-Up Games

Is a weekly commitment a little too much for you? If so, then squeezing in a few pickup games every now and then might be a better option. Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world. That means there’s probably no shortage of people in your area who love to play just as much as you do. So get up off the couch and start connecting with the players in your community.

Local parks or even your neighborhood fitness center are both great places to find pickup games.

Coach a Youth Volleyball Team

The great thing about coaching a youth volleyball team is that it doesn’t really matter how good of a player you were. As long as you are passionate about the game, willing to put in the hours, and possess good communication skills, you’ll probably be successful. Kids don’t care about how many kills per game you averaged back in the glory days; they just want to play.

Kids are great at reminding you why you fell in love with the game in the first place — because it’s fun. Coaching a youth team allows you to stay involved in the game and give back to the future generation of players at the same time.

Volunteer to Keep Stats

Maybe you feel like you aren’t experienced enough to tackle the coaching profession. Or maybe you just don’t have the time necessary to run a team. Being a team statistician can be a great alternative. As the stat person, you will still be able to interact with the team and players, and you’ll have a courtside seat!

Transition to the Dark Side: Officiating

Many ex-players find officiating to be a great way to stay involved in the game. You’ll get to watch a ton of volleyball and it usually pays fairly well. Sporting the white polo and whistle will also give you a whole new perspective on the game. A deeper understanding of volleyball will invariably make you a better player.

Take it to the Beach

There are several notable differences between indoor volleyball and its beach counterpart. The court is smaller, there are fewer players per team, and there are a number of rule changes. But those differences are fairly easy to adapt to. And once you make the jump from the hardwood to the sand, you won’t be sorry.

Many ex-indoor players make the transition to the sand game once their high school or college careers are over. The beach game is easier on the joints and it’s easy to find pick-up games if you live near a beach.

Volleyball for Life

Volleyball is a great sport because it can be played well through your twilight years. Not only are there a ton of recreational opportunities, but there are also plenty of great ways to stay involved. So don’t let the end of your school days coincide with the end your playing days!

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