How to Shoot a High Crotch in Wrestling

The high crotch is a traditional wrestling takedown that has been modified over the years. This technique is similar to a double-leg takedown, but the attacking wrestler reaches inside of one of his opponent’s legs in order to take control of it. Freestyle wrestlers all around the world use this takedown, but it’s most common in scholastic and collegiate competition in the United States.

The reason the high crotch is so widely used is because of its versatility: It can be executed with a variety of setups and finishes. Knowing how to execute the high crotch (and doing it effectively) will make it extremely tough for any wrestler to defeat you if you’re in the neutral position. Follow the steps in this guide so you can start drilling this takedown right away!

1. Foot Position

Get your feet in position by leading with the same leg as your opponent — if he leads with his right leg, so will you. In a high crotch takedown, you’ll always want to shoot for your opponent’s lead leg, and this foot position puts you in the most beneficial position to do so. Stay in a low, staggered stance with your trail leg planted firmly behind you.

2. Control the Elbow

There are many different setups for the high crotch, but one of the most basic and effective ways to setup for the high crotch is to control your opponent’s elbow. You’ll use your opponent’s own collar tie to set up the takedown. Grip your opponent’s elbow (that’s on the same side of his body as his lead leg) with whichever of your arms is closest to it — if his right leg is his lead leg, you’ll want control of his right elbow, and you’ll be securing the elbow with your left hand. Keep your thumb on the outside of your opponent’s arm.

3. Keep Your Head Up

Your head needs to be in a good position for you to be successful with this takedown. Try staying forehead-to-forehead with your opponent. You can also use your forehand to apply pressure to the side of your opponent’s head or neck — the side you’ll apply pressure to will be of the same side his elbow (that you’re controlling) is on. This will make it more difficult for your opponent to defend against the takedown.

4. Lower & Pull

Your body needs to be low for the high crotch — and you get low by bending your knees. Lower your body and, with the hand that’s been controlling it, pull your opponent’s elbow over your shoulder (on the same side as the hand you’re using). This pull is extremely critical to the takedown. By pulling your opponent into the takedown, you will cut the distance between your bodies and you’ll be able to secure your opponent’s lead leg much faster.

If you pull your opponent toward you hard enough, you will not need a penetration step! Focus on keeping your armpit over the knee of your lead leg as you lower your body. As you are pulling your opponent over your shoulder, drop the knee of your lead leg directly to the mat. If done correctly, your opponent should fall right over your shoulder and his lead leg should come right to you.

Fun Fact:

The high crotch is the traditional name given to this takedown because it originally called for the attacking wrestler to shoot his arm up high and into the crotch of his opponent. Although the name has remained the same, the technique has been modified. Wrestlers now snake their arm around the back of the opponent’s knee in order to control the leg better

5. Shoot & Turn Your Shoulders

With your lead leg, take a small, inside penetration step (if needed) and drop your lead leg’s knee between your opponent’s feet. As you shoot, turn your shoulders forward (the front shoulder will be the one that is on the same side of your body as your lead leg). Make sure your shoulders are turned perpendicular to your opponent’s shoulders. This will make it much easier to secure his leg.

6. Secure the Leg

Snake your front shoulder’s arm through your opponent’s lead leg and behind his knee. Pull the back of your opponent’s knee to your chest and hold it tight. You can even lock your hands together to tighten your grip. You may also cup your opponent’s heel with your outside arm. Don’t forget to keep your head and chest up, and yours hips close to your opponent’s body so that you stay in a good position when he tries to defend.

7. Convert to a Double

The most effective way to finish the high crotch is to convert from a single leg to a double leg takedown. To convert to a double leg:

  • Use your arm that is farthest away from your opponent’s body (the outside arm) and snake it around your opponent’s lead leg. Both of your arms should make the shape of an “X.” It is important that you keep pulling the leg in towards your chest with both arms.
  • Remove your inside arm from his front leg and secure his far leg from behind his knee.

8. Finish the Double

Once you have converted the takedown to a double leg, you can finish the move as you would normally: Get up to your feet quickly, and then run your opponent down. Bend your knees and stay in a low, solid position. Take big steps towards your opponent’s trail leg as you sweep both of his legs out from under him. If you need more detailed directions on how to finish a double, check out steps five through nine of the How to Shoot a Double Leg in Wrestling guide.

Takedown Options

The high crotch is a takedown that every folkstyle and freestyle wrestler should have in his arsenal. The greatest advantage to learning this technique is to have a full understanding of how to convert from a single leg to a double leg takedown. So, be sure to drill this conversion (and the conversion from a double back to a single) extensively. Don’t forget to drill your single leg finishes too!

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