The Arm Chop Breakdown in Wrestling

The arm chop is one of the most commonly used breakdowns in folkstyle wrestling. The reason being is that the arm chop not only allows you to break your opponent down from his base, but it also puts you in an advantageous position once you get him on the mat. This guide will teach you how to perform this effective technique so you can break down any opponent.

1. Start in Referee’s Position

Although you can break an opponent down with the arm chop anytime he is in his base, it is beneficial to learn how to perform this move from referee’s position. Drilling this move from referee’s position will train you to break an opponent down quickly after the referee blows his whistle, and when your opponent is in his base.

2. Get Your Grips

In order to successfully perform this move, you must first make some minor adjustments to your position:

Secure the Tight-Waist

Pull the arm that you have wrapped around your opponent’s midsection into your body. As you do this, make sure that you have this arm wrapped around his midsection as far as possible; try to get your hand all the way around to the other side of his midsection if you can.

Also, “pinch” or pull your elbow in towards his body to make your hold even tighter. This will allow you to keep your opponent’s body secure so you can put your weight on him.

Block the Elbow

Next, move the hand that you had placed on your opponent’s elbow in referee’s position and reach it around the front of his arm as far as you can. This blocks his elbow. For example, if you had your left hand on your opponent’s left elbow in referee’s position, you will use your left arm to block his left elbow. This will be the arm you “chop.”

You should try to touch the bend of your elbow to the bend of his, but it’s okay if you can only get your hand around the inside of his arm. In this position, your palm should be up facing your opponent’s midsection and the bottom of your wrist/forearm should touch the bend of his elbow.

Hot Tip: Use Your Arm!

A common mistake beginning wrestlers make when performing this move is that they try to chop the arm with their hand. This is ineffective and can even leave you open to be countered. Instead, make sure to use your whole arm to block the bend of your opponent’s elbow.

3. Drive Over the Arm

Next, get on your toes and start driving into your opponent. Make sure you are positioned behind your opponent with your chest in contact with the center of his back. Drive off of your toes and put all of your weight onto his back, driving his body forward and slightly towards the arm you are blocking. As you do this, make sure to pull the tight-waist in towards your body. Also, pull the arm you are using to block your opponent’s elbow in towards your body as you drive. This will allow you to “collapse” this arm and break him down.

Tougher opponents will not break flat instantly. However, by keeping constant pressure on your opponent and using your arm to collapse his, you will break him down eventually. To add some extra pressure, you can drive the side-same knee as your tight-waist against your opponent’s buttocks. For example, if you used your right arm to secure the tight-waist, use your right knee to “bump” or drive against his backside.

4. Catch the Wrist

As you drive your opponent over the arm you are “chopping,” his arm will come closer to the arm you are using for the tight-waist. So, as you drive your opponent flat, “catch” or grab this wrist with your hand in an overhand grip with your palm facing down. For example, if you chopped your opponent’s left arm, use your right hand to grab his left wrist as you drive him flat.

From here, pull your opponent’s arm tight across his body and bring the elbow of the arm you are using to secure his wrist in towards your body. Doing so will give you many options on offense, such as tilts, arm bars, and various other types of turns. Also, make sure to keep your chest in contact with his back and keep driving off of your toes. This will keep him from basing up and escaping while you work to put him on his back.

Learn and Win

The arm chop is one of the most effective breakdowns if you practice it correctly. Keep the steps in this guide in mind as you drill this technique in practice. Once you get this basic move down, you will undoubtedly become a terror on top! Good luck!

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