The Greco-Roman Wrestling Stance

Greco-Roman is one of the toughest styles of wrestling to succeed in. The main reason for this is because the Greco stance, when done correctly, allows wrestlers to remain strong and become virtually unmovable. It is very difficult to break a good opponent’s position in order to score. The Greco-Roman stance is very basic, and there are only a few key points you must remember to maintain a solid stance. Read the steps in this guide closely so you can implement a stance that will be tough for any opponent to break.

Start Staggered

The staggered stance is an offensive stance, and you will use it the majority of the time. A staggered stance essentially means you have one leg forward and one leg behind you, slightly off to the side. To get into a staggered Greco stance, there are two things to remember:

  • With your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, take a step forward with one leg. This will be your lead leg, and it should be pointed straight ahead of you.
  • Point the toe of your trail leg, or back leg, slightly off to the side. Keeping your foot turned outwards will allow you to remain stable and generate more power in your stance. Most wrestlers choose to keep their more dominant, powerful leg behind them. However, the only thing that matters is how you feel in your stance, so be sure to switch your stance around to find what works best (and is most comfortable) for you.

Get Low

Once your feet are in the correct position, bend your knees and lower your body. You don’t need to be as low as you would in a folkstyle or freestyle stance because you don’t need to protect against leg attacks in Greco-Roman wrestling. A slight bend in the knees will get you low enough to both attack and defend against your opponent’s upper body techniques. Make sure to keep your legs wide apart — your weight will be evenly distributed and you’ll be able to maneuver much easier.

Good Posture

As you get low, keep your back straight. Bending at your waist and not through your back, allows you to keep your head and chest up for good posture. Doing this will make it difficult for your opponent to control your upper body. Leaving your head down, or bending over, makes you vulnerable to your opponent’s attack. Also, having your head in a good position strategically allows you to use your head to pressure against your opponent’s head, neck, or shoulders. The positioning of your head may seem like a minor detail, but at higher levels of wrestling incorrect movement or usage of your head will allow your opponent to take advantage of and attack your weak posture.

Hot Tip: Make Contact With Your Head

Most beginning Greco wrestlers think that you must make contact using your hands and arms first. Although this is true to a certain extent, you’ll often make contact with your opponent using your head at the same time. Being able to do this will ensure that you are close enough to tie up and control your opponent, and you’ll never put yourself in a vulnerable position. When making contact, be sure to use your head!

Elbows In, Hands Out

For a good stance, keep your elbows bent and close to your ribs. This will help to defend against an opponent’s attacks on your body. Also, keep your hands out with your palms facing your opponent. This will allow you to effectively hand-fight with your opponent, and it will decrease the chance of your opponent being able to control your hands or wrists. Do not extend your arms while reaching for an opponent; keep them close to your body. Doing otherwise will make your arms vulnerable of being tied up and will leave your body susceptible to attack.

Moving in Your Stance

Moving around while in a Greco stance is very basic because you do not have to protect your legs from being attacked. However, you must still be conscious of how you are moving and be aware of the placement of your legs. There are a few key points to remember:

  • Stay staggered: This will allow you to stay on the offense. When you move in your staggered stance, move one leg first and follow with the other. For example, if you want to move forward, step with your lead leg first, and then follow with your trail leg. This will ensure that you are distributing your weight evenly.
  • Don’t cross your feet: Although you don’t have to worry about defending your legs, you must be conscious of your balance. Crossing your feet can leave you open to throws and other attacks!

Position, Position, Position!

Position is everything in Greco. Knowing how to keep your hands, arms, and head in strong positions is critical to success at all levels of competition. Before learning a ton of throws and other techniques, concentrate on staying solid in your stance and keeping your body in a strong position. A good stance will win you more matches in the long run, and will make you tough against any opponent.

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