10 Items to Pack for a Wrestling Match

Wrestling doesn’t generally require too much gear for tournament and meet. However, certain items are crucial— you may not be allowed to wrestle without them. Depending on the type of competition and your individual needs, the list of items you’ll need will vary. This guide will help you determine what to pack for an upcoming competition. Make sure to read each section carefully and pay attention to all of the mentioned items so you aren’t forgetting something important!

1. Wrestling Shoes

Your shoes should be one of the first things you pack in your gym bag. You may be allowed to compete at lower levels of competition, but you will be turned away at more advanced meets if you don’t have wrestling shoes. Also, make sure your shoes have a built-in lace cover to secure your laces and prevent them from getting untied during a match. If your shoes don’t have lace covers, keep athletic tape handy!

2. Headgear

Headgear is required for all scholastic and collegiate competitions. A small number of wrestlers wear headgear in freestyle and Greco-Roman style wrestling, but they are not required.

3. Uniform

You can’t wrestle without a uniform! All styles of wrestling require a singlet for competition. In less formal competitions, like scrimmages, a t-shirt and pair of workout shorts may be allowed. If this is the case, consider clothing that is loose but not baggy. Rash guards and grappling shorts also make great a great uniform if they’re allowed.

4. Warm-ups

Besides any team-issued attire, always bring extra clothes for your warm-up. Pack a pair of sweatpants, a sweatshirt, a beanie or baseball cap, and extra t-shirts for layering. Keeping your body warm will maximize the effectiveness of your pre-match warm-up.

Hot Tip: Get a Head Start

Don’t wait until the wee hours of the morning on the day of your meet to pack your bag. Rather, pack the night before the meet so you’re not in a rush — you’ll be less likely to forget something. It helps to either write a list or make a mental checklist of what you will need in your bag for competition. It’s always better to be overly prepared than under!

5. Gym Shoes

It’s always helpful to pack an extra pair of gym shoes or sneakers for a meet. If you have an extra pair, you can still run and workout outside if the mats are too crowded. A spare pair will also help if you need to cut a few pounds before your next weigh in — you’ll always be ready to run.

6. Food

Don’t forget about what’s going to fuel you during competition. Often, the most important items in your bag will be fruits, vegetables, water, sports drinks, etc. If you need a cooler to keep everything fresh, pack it!

Try to not rely on tournament food. The food you will find at the snack bar isn’t really for the wrestlers, it’s for the fans. Needless to say, chili nachos and orange soda are not what you should be eating during a competition. For more information about the types of food that will keep you energized throughout your competition, see the guide “Nutrition for Wrestlers” at the top right of this page.

7. Music

Music is a great way to get ready for competition. For some wrestlers, music is used to relax and take their minds off the intensity of the day’s task. For others, music is used as a way to get pumped up and “in the zone.” If music helps you compete, make sure to pack an MP3 player, CD player, or even a personal radio. Don’t forget headphones!

8. Fun

The long hours between rounds at a wrestling tournament can get boring, so don’t forget to pack something fun to pass the time. Cards are easy to pack and there are endless possibilities of the types of games you can play. Books, crossword puzzles, and personal gaming systems are also some fun things that make idle hours more bearable.

9. Money

Bringing extra pocket change can go a long way. Whether it’s used to buy a healthy snack, tournament apparel, or any last minute essential (like a razor), having some cash comes in handy.

10. Shower Gear

Depending on your competition site, there may be a locker room for you to shower and change after the meet. Make sure to bring liquid anti-bacterial soap, shower shoes, a shower scrub, a towel, and a change of clothes.

A Few Extras

There are a few extra items that are a good idea to bring along. They may not be required, but they can make a difference in how you compete:

  • Mouth guard: Mouth guards can help prevent injuries, and all wrestlers with braces must wear a mouth guard in scholastic competition.
  • Head covering: Wrestlers with long hair are required to use an approved style of cap to secure their hair during competition.
  • Contact lens solution: You need to be able to see during competitions. So if you wear contacts, don’t get caught without having lens solution nearby.

Get It Together

The key to packing your gym bag for a wrestling tournament is to make sure you have everything you need. Make it a habit of knowing what you’ll need in advance, that way you won’t forget any crucial piece of gear. One last thing to remember is that any valuable item, be it money or a piece of gear, faces the risk of getting damaged or stolen. Keep all of your personal belongings in a safe place. For more information on what you may need for an upcoming competition, check with your coach or the Rules & Regulations tab. Good luck and wrestle hard!

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