How to Do an Inside Leg Standup in Wrestling

Being able to off of the bottom in folkstyle wrestling is crucial to your success. Competitive matches are often decided by a single point, and if you can’t escape, you can’t win. Period. There are many ways to escape, but one of the most basic and effective techniques is the inside leg standup. Read this guide carefully so you can start scoring with this effective maneuver.

Step 1: Starting Position

Start in referee’s position with your opponent on top of you. Make sure to have your weight back on your heels, and your elbows bent slightly. Be ready to spring up and escape from your opponent quickly.

Step 2: Step Up

Step up with your inside leg. This is the leg closest to the side of your body that your opponent is lined up on. As you step up, pivot on your opposite knee. Turn your body roughly 90 degrees away from your opponent.

Step 3: Clear & Catch

As you step up, “clear” your near arm (the arm on the same side of your body as the leg you used to step up). Bring this arm across your chest and away from your opponent. As you do this, your opponent will likely reach to try to keep hold of your elbow. When he does this, use an underhanded grip with your free hand to catch and take hold of his wrist.

Step 4: Switch Grips

You should now have control of your opponent’s wrist with your opposite hand. Your near arm should now be free, so use that arm’s hand to take control of your opponent’s hand with an overhand grip. From here, you can release his wrist with your far arm and attempt to take control of his other wrist. You may also continue to grip his near wrist with both of your hands.

Step 5: Stand Up

Now that you have control of one or both of your opponent’s wrists, you can attempt to stand up. Step up with your far leg while staying in a squatting position with your knees bent and butt low. Apply pressure backwards into your opponent as you standup to make it more difficult for him to control you. Make sure to keep your opponent’s hands separated so he can’t get a body lock and return you to the mat.

Hot Tip: Hips Away

The biggest factor in being able to escape from your opponent’s grip when you reach your feet is the positioning of your hips. As you stand up, create space between you and your opponent by distancing your feet away from him. At the same time, pressure into him with your back. This will create space between your hips and his body, and will make you much more difficult to control and return to the mat.

Step 6: Back Pocket

To escape from your opponent, put one of his hands in your “back pocket.” That is to say, put it where the back pocket of your pants would be. This will ensure that he can’t get a body lock and return you to the mat.

Step 7: Cut

Once you have one of your opponent’s hands in your back pocket, turn away from this arm. For example, if you put your opponent’s left hand in your left back pocket, turn to your right. As you do this, “wedge” the arm nearest your opponent to create space between you. From here, you should be in a position to either push him away for the escape or to score a reversal.

Drill for Success

In order to start scoring with this technique, you will need to drill it countless times in practice until you have the full motion down. The inside leg standup is a very simple technique, but this doesn’t take away from its effectiveness. If you practice this move enough, and are diligent and hungry to score points from the bottom, there will be nothing holding you down! Once you have mastered this escape you will be able to move onto more advanced standups and reversing maneuvers. So get drilling!

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