How to Hit a Blast Double

One of the most powerful and physically dominating takedowns in freestyle and folkstyle wrestling is the blast double. Sometimes known as a “drive double” or “driving leg tackle,” this effective high-level leg attack closely resembles a “tackle” in American football. Because of this, wrestlers of all sizes can hit this takedown, but the most impressive blasts come from upper weight wrestlers.

This guide will walk you through the basic blast double from the open position. Although this technique is straightforward and doesn’t call for a complex set of movements, it does require a considerable amount of explosive strength in the legs and hips, as well as a strong neck to be able to take your opponent out of position. Therefore if you want to master this technique, you should also be on a basic strength training program. Now if you think you’re ready to start blasting your opponents all over the mat, follow these steps and then start drilling this takedown.

Step 1: Start Staggered

Start in a staggered stance so you’re ready to change levels and fire off your shot quickly. Set your trail leg behind you at a slight angle so you’re able to push off into your takedown.

Step 2: Subtle Setups

There are many ways to set up the blast, the most basic of which are snapping and motion. Use motion to take your opponent out of position by faking, level changing, circling, etc. This should confuse your opponent, and generally will cause him to react by adjusting his position. Also, snap your opponent’s head and shoulders in order to take his upper body out of position.

Step 3: See the Target

However you set your blast up, you will know your opponent is out of position when his chest is parallel to yours, facing you. Imagine your opponent has a target in the center of his midsection, about where his sternum is. This will be your target. Anytime you have a clear view of “the target,” or the target is facing towards you, that’s when you’re able to hit your blast. Often times all it takes is a slight change in your opponent’s position to open him up for the takedown.

Step 4: Lower Your Level

Once you see your target, lower your level by bending your knees, and then put your weight on your back foot (also called “loading up”). In order to hit this technique successfully you need to be lower than your opponent before you take your penetration step. Loading up on your back foot will ensure that you are in good position to hit your opponent with the right amount of force.

Step 5: Big Step

Take a big step in between your opponent’s feet with your lead leg. To make sure your step is deep enough, look for “three feet in a row.” This occurs when your lead foot is in the middle of your opponent’s feet. Note that this is not a traditional penetration step, and you do not need to drop to your knee. Instead, take a big step until your forehead hits the target (or elsewhere on your opponent’s body).

Step 6: Hit the Target

Make your penetration step as you simultaneously hit on or near your target. (This isn’t a head-butt: As you step, use your legs to drive through as your forehead meets your opponent’s body). Also, do not use the top of your head to hit the target. You can severely injure your neck this way. Your neck is the strongest when you keep your head and shoulders up and in good position. So as you hit, lead with your forehead and/or face.

Hot Tip: Head or Shoulders

If you don’t like to use your forehead or face when you hit your blast double, you can just use your shoulder. However, keep in mind that in this case you won’t be hitting the target exactly. If you decide to use your shoulder, make sure to hit your opponent above the hips and below the chest, and keep your head up as you hit. Both methods are equally as effective, and the principles of positioning are identical. Practice both to get used to the feel because you will most likely find yourself needing to use both variations at some point.

Step 7: Grip the Legs

As you hit, grip the back of both of your opponent’s knees with your hands. If you try this move and you find yourself gripping your opponent’s thighs, this means you did not lower your elevation enough before hitting the takedown. As you step in, the back of your opponent’s knees should be within arm’s length. Pull your opponent’s legs in as you drive through the takedown.

Step 8: Drive Through

Now that you’ve hit the target, all you need to do is drive through your opponent. Although physical strength does play a role in driving through, much of the strength in this technique comes from the low and strong positioning. Stay low and literally run through your opponent: Take big steps and continue to use your head to drive your opponent’s upper body. As you do this, pull the back of your opponent’s knees to “buckle” his body.

Step 9: Finish

As you drive through, you will feel your opponent falling, or even buckling if you hit him hard enough. Your opponent will typically react one of two different ways. Tough wrestlers will realize that you’re about to put them on their backs, so they will turn as they fall. If your opponent does this, all you have to do is stay behind him and follow him to the mat, applying pressure as you both land. Try to stay low as you land because if your weight is too high, your opponent can counter on the way down.

If your opponent lands on his back (and if you hit him hard enough, he will), use your chest to pressure in as you land. When you hit the mat, try to get “chest to chest.” Keep pressure on your opponent using your chest and circle on your toes to “T-up.” If you are not familiar with this term, basically you want to circle until you form a “T” in relation to your opponent’s body. As you do this, use a claw, half nelson, or other type of pinning combination to hold your opponent on his back.

Bread & Butter Technique

Although the blast double is a basic technique, its value is limitless. If you practice this technique until you have the timing and the explosive power mastered, you will undoubtedly become a takedown machine. Practice hitting your blast from the open position, but also set it up with different ties, and as a counter-shot as well. Now that you have an effective high-level leg attack in your arsenal, get to practice and start perfecting it!

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