Tips for Beginning Tennis Players

Everyone needs some helpful advice when starting to play tennis. If you are eager to get on the court with your new racquet, you should read through these 10 tips for the beginner-level player before heading out to the courts. This guide offers tips and advice created in the interest of simplifying the game to its core, and making your time on the court as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. 

Tip 1: Yearn for Instruction

Before you head out to the courts with racquet in hand, call your local tennis club to schedule a few private lessons. No matter the level of player, an instructor is needed to demonstrate the basic techniques and footwork of the sport. Watching some videos on the internet might save you money, but these videos cannot replace an instructor.

Taking a few private lessons is generally the first step for those just starting out, because the basics can often be learned in a few private sessions, and good habits will be developed from the beginning of your tennis experience.

Tip 2: Practice, Practice, Practice

Tennis is a sport where improvement can be seen on a daily basis. This is often the most exciting and rewarding aspect of the sport for beginners. Growth in a player’s game will be seen with each practice session. With that in mind, the second tip is to simply practice. Practice makes perfect, so the more you are able to get out on the court and practice what you learned from your instructor, the faster your game will improve. 

Tip 3: No Opponent, No Money, No Problem

If you cannot find a player to hit with, or can’t afford a lesson, you can still practice. A wall is a great opponent for tennis players of any experience level. Walls offer an unbreakable opponent that will return every ball you hit, as long as you don’t hit around or over it.

You can hit groundstrokes, serves, and practice your footwork just by playing against the wall. For days where you don’t have an opponent to return your serve or the time to play a full match, a quick hitting session on the wall can help you improve rhythm and movement.

Tip 4: Don’t Get Discouraged

Playing tennis is a learning experience filled with many highs and, unfortunately, many lows. On days when you aren’t playing your best, try to focus on what is going wrong and how you can fix the problem. If your forehand is out of control, try taking some pace of off of it. If you can concentrate on what you are doing wrong and not on the end result, your game will improve even if you aren’t playing your best. Learning from your mistakes is just as powerful as learning something new. 

Tip 5: Get Your Body Ready

Before your practice session begins, it is important to warm up your body. Stretching and running are keys to making sure your body is ready to take on a practice session. They can also prevent injuries from occurring. Running some laps, doing some sprints and jumping jacks will get your heart pumping. Create a warm-up routine that you can use every time you step on the court. Please refer to the guide “How to Warm Up for a Tennis Match” if you want more information on how to prepare your body (link on the right sidebar).

Hot Tip: Mix Up Your Warmup

Jumping rope is another great way to get the blood flowing. Follow this up with some basic stretches that work your arms, legs, back, and neck.

Tip 6: Learn From the Pros

When watching tennis, either in person or on television, focus on what the professionals are doing. Who better to learn from than those that do it best, right? Concentrate on the techniques used, the preparation that goes into every shot, the footwork employed, and even the strategies being utilized.

If you can point out the weaknesses of the pros, as well as their strengths, you can compare your technique, footwork, and strategy with the professionals. Take advantage of the fact that you can learn from someone else, even if you are watching that person on television. 

Tip 7: 20-20 Vision

Making contact with the ball is vital for any tennis player. For beginners, this is the most significant aspect of the game. If you can’t make contact with the ball, the game will be more frustrating than fun. To make sure you are making proper contact, you should keep your eyes on the ball for as long as possible and try to look for the seams of the ball. Keeping your eye on the ball will ensure that you are going to hit it with the center of the racquet and not the frame. 

Tip 8: Learn From Defeat

Tennis is not always about the result. At times, losing a match can be more valuable than earning the victory. Sure, everyone hates to lose, but how you handle defeat will determine how much you can learn and improve. There is always a possibility for a player to lose to another player, no matter the skill level. By understanding what happened during the loss, you can focus on areas of your game that need work. 

Tip 9: Join a League or Club

The best way to practice on a regular basis is to have people to play against. By joining a tennis league or club, you have access to many different types of players. Competing against players of different levels and styles will help improve your game.

If you are playing the same players over and over again, and have little trouble beating them, then it is time to mix up your opponents and levels of competition. Even at the beginner level, playing a tougher opponent will help you improve your game faster than competing against players of the same skill level. To help you find a league, visit our Tennis League page. 

Tip 10: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Advice

People are willing to help you improve your game, even if they are your competitors. After you establish some type of playing relationship with a person, don’t shy away from asking for tips or advice. At the beginner level, advice usually comes in the form of “how can I improve my serve?” or “how can I become more consistent?” People are willing to give advice as long as you ask. Even the pros need advice. So as a beginner, remember to ask questions, either to your instructor or to your hitting partners.

Apply and Improve

After reading through this guide, you should have a better understanding of how to approach the game of tennis, as well as what to expect from the sport. Tennis is a game that is challenging, fun, and also very rewarding. The 10 tips offered here will maximize your overall experience on the court and keep things as enjoyable as possible.

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