High Crotch Set-ups from the Elbow Pass

Elbow passes are sneaky ways to set up high crotch takedowns. These passes catch opponents by surprise and take their bodies out of position just enough for you to get your takedown. Check out the following variations of the elbow pass to hit a high crotch on any opponent.

Baseball Grip

This setup often comes from a collar tie and hand fighting. Start by controlling the arm that’s on the same side of your opponent’s body as the leg you want to attack. Do this by using both hands to grip your opponent’s arm at the bicep, just above the elbow. Your hands should be positioned similar to how you would hold a baseball bat: Your thumbs should be close together at the front of his arm, and your fingers should be close together behind his arm. From here you can set up your high crotch takedown:

  1. Move your opponent: Move your opponent’s arm across his body and use your head to push against his triceps. Pull your opponent’s arm down and towards your far foot. This will allow you to control your opponent’s body and make adjustments to his position before you shoot.
  2. Clear the arm: Without changing your grip, use your hand that’s on the outside of your opponent’s arm to push your opponent’s arm even farther across his body. This will give you enough space to use your other arm for the takedown.
  3. Release: Release the grip you have on the inside of your opponents arm (with your opposite arm). That is, if controlling your opponent’s right arm, your right arm would have been used to grip the inside of his arm. Now extend your arm towards the inside of your opponent’s lead leg.
  4. Shoot: Take your shot and push your near-shoulder against the back of your opponent’s arm to keep him from defending. Shoot your extended arm toward the back of your opponent’s lead leg’s knee for the takedown. Now, tightly pull his lead leg towards you and maintain a good position with your head up, chest up, and hips in.
  5. Finish: Finish the takedown!

Note: For a refresher course on how to secure a collar tie on your opponent, take a look at our guide, “Wrestling Moves: How to Tie up Your Opponent”.

Hot Tip: Trap the Arm

When pushing your opponent’s arm across his body, he may try to move his arm back into position. This is actually a good thing. Typically when your opponent tries to move his arm back, it will get trapped in between your shoulder and his midsection. Make sure to keep his arm tight to his body when you’re in on the takedown; this will keep him from defending.

Russian Tie

Another effective setup for the high crotch is from the Russian tie. This setup works very similarly to the baseball grip setup where you force your opponent’s arm across his body in order to get to his lead leg.

  1. Control the tie: Control a Russian tie on the same side of your opponent’s body as the leg you want to shoot. Make sure this leg is forward. If it isn’t, move your opponent around with the tie and force him to adjust his stance. Make sure your feet are in position by leading with whichever leg is nearest to your opponent.
  2. Adjust your grip: Release the grip you have on your opponent’s upper arm and slide your hand down to the back of his arm, just above the elbow. Your thumb should be to the outside of his arm with your fingers on the inside.
  3. Clear the arm: Push his arm across his body. This will open up some space for the takedown.
  4. Shoot your arm: As you are pushing his arm across his body, release the grip you have on his wrist. With this newly freed arm, extend towards your opponent’s lead leg.
  5. Shoot: Take your shot and get in on a tight high crotch. With your extended arm, grip the back of your opponent’s lead leg’s knee and secure the leg. Pull the leg tightly in towards your body and stay in a good position.
  6. Finish: Finish your takedown!

Note: To review the proper technique of securing a Russian tie on your opponent, take a look at our guide, How to Use the Russian Tie.

Sneaky Set-ups

These two variations of the elbow pass are a sure-fire way to surprise any opponent. Make sure you practice moving your opponent with both of these ties in order to get the leg you want forward. Don’t forget to drill getting your feet in position for the takedown — doing so will ensure that you’re always in position to hit your high crotch. Now get on the mat and start working these moves!

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